Ikuto point stray supine usb small D humidifier service for the empty air house

Ikuto point stray supine usb small D humidifier service for the empty air house

Product name: Small D humidifier

Product type issue: YYD-D1

Scale: 66,66,146/mm

Packaging size: 68,68,150/mm

Weight: 200G

Iri-Tan-:D Tsa-C5V

Water bottle capacity: 180ML

Amber: White, powdered, yellow, orange

Attention: Sub-conditions of the product, the mulberry, the material, the unfit incense, the essential oil, the possible product-like use life. Humidifier water most preferred self-visit water, Inaba steamed water steamed water, water-watering, re-renovation-ryohara-like water-like water.

Shenzhen Yijiadian Technology Co., Ltd.

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